E admin@aasurveygroup.com
W www.aasurveygroup.com
Contact Us
African Office
4 Viva Plaza, Freedom Street
Community 25
Tema Ghana
P (Ghana) +233 244 230 917
P (Sierra Leone) +232 880 397 88
M (Aust) +61 414 103 836
E dela@minedevsurveyors.com
W www.minedevsurveyors.com
Australian Office
Suite 29 / 44 Kings Park Rd
West Perth WA 6005
T (Aust) +61 (0)8 9322 2000
M (Aust) +61 499 001 442
E brad@mcgregorsurveys.com.au
W www.mcgregorsurveys.com.au
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